Universitat Rovira i Virgili

Vitrina 5. El margen del margen (1983-2000)

 Alves, P. & Souza Minayo, Maria Cecilia de, (comps.) 1994. Saúde e Doença. Um olhar antropológico. Rio de Janeiro, Fiocruz.

Anderson, R., Fort W., Harcourt B., 1996. Magic, Science and Health. The Aims and the Achievements of Medical Anthropology. Fort Worth, TX [etc.]: Harcourt Brace College Publisher.

Augé M. & Herzllich, C., 1984. Le sens du mal: anthropologie, histoire, sociologie de la maladie. Aug Paris: Editions des Archives Contemporaines.

Baer, Hans A. (1987,1992). Encounters with biomedicine. Case studies in Medical Anthropology. Montreux, Gordon & Breach.

Benoist, Jean (comp.) 1996. Soigner au Pluriel. París, Karthala.

Brown P. J., ed., 1998. Understanding and Applying Medical Anthropology. Mountain View, Calif. [etc.]: Mayfield.

Csordas, T. J., 1994. Embodiment and experience: the existential ground of culture and self. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 

Diasio, Nicoletta, 1999. La science impure. Anthropologie et médecine en France, Grande-Bretagne, Italie, Pays-Bas. París, Presses Universitaires de France.  

Farmer. Paul [1992] 1996. Sida en Haïti. La victime accusée. París, Karthala.

Frank, Arthur W., 1995. The Wounded Storyteller. Body, Illness and Ethics. Chicago, University of Chicago Press.

Rubel, Arthur J.; O'Nell, Carl W.;  Collado Ardón, Rolando, 1989. Susto, una enfermedad popular. México, Fondo de Cultura Economica.

Pfleiderer, B.; Bibeau, G. (eds.) 1991. Anthropologies of Medicine. A Colloquium on West European and   North American Perspectives. Braunschweig, Vieweg.

Samson C., 1999. Health Studies. A critical and Cross-Cultural Reader. Oxford [etc.]: Blackwell.

Anterior Vitrina 5 Següent

After the foundational stage, the development of medical anthropology led to a considerable theoretical output that has had an impact on issues outside medical anthropology such as diet and foodways, psychiatry, and gender studies, and extends to cultural studies of dependent minorities. Schematically, this period is connected to two major currents - clinically applied anthropology and critically applied anthropology - but it could also be defined by the contrast between an anthropology of medicine and an anthropology in medicine. The diversity of knowledge-producing centers in the five continents, however, relativizes this model a great deal. For this reason, the composition of display cases 5 and 6 (which focuses on Spanish medical anthropology) is particularly complex. Between the two of them, they display barely two decades of international scholarship in the form of books and journals. Our criterion was to give priority to textbooks, collected volumes, and special issues of journals published prior to 2000, and to present specific journals with a wide range of medical anthropology content. To this end, we have dispensed with time frames, although we have given priority to older materials in order to highlight the progressive recognition of the discipline.

Display case 5 is structured around two book series: Culture, Illness and Healing, edited by Arthur Kleinman, and Theory and Practice in Medical Anthropology and International Health, edited by Susan DiGiacomo (URV and University of Massachusetts at Amherst). Alongside a significant sample of both these series, we have also included practically all the medical anthropology texts published in different languages, and outstanding works that we felt are representative of the various knowledge production centers in Latin America, North America and Europe. The last book is a historical study of four traditions in European medical anthropology (France, Italy, the United Kingdom, and the Netherlands), and links display cases 5 and 6 to display case 7.

Frankenberg, R., 1992. Time Health and medicine. London: Sage Publications.

Geest, Sjaak van der; Reynolds Whyte, S. (comps.) 1988. The context of medicines in developing countries. Studies in Pharmaceutical Anthropology. Dordretch, Kluwer Academic Publishers.

Gonseth, Marc-Olivier (comp.) (1993-1994) Les frontières du mal: approches anthropologiques de la santé et la maladie. Berna, Etnologica Helvetica.o C.

Good, Byron J., 1994. Medicine, rationality and Experience. An Anthropological Perspective. Nueva York, Cambridge University Press.

Hahn, Robert A.; Gaines, Attwood  , comps., 1985. Physicians of western medicine. Anthropological Approaches to Theory and Practice. Dordretch, D. Reidel Publ.

Helman, Cecil G. [1984] (1990). Culture, Health and Illness. Londres, Wright.

Holden, Pat; Littlewood, Jenny (eds.) 1991. Anthropology and nursing. Londres, Routledge.

Inhorn, Marcia C.; Brown, Peter J. (eds.) 1997. The Anthropology of Infectious Disease. International Health Perspectives. Amsterdam, Gordon & Breach.

Scheper- Hughes, Nancy, 1992, Death Without Weeping. The Violence of Everyday Life in Brazil. Berkeley, Ca., University of California Press.

Seppilli, Tullio (comp.) 1989. Le Tradizioni Popolari in Italia. Medicine e Magie. Milan:Electa.

Simons, Ronald C.; Hughes Charles C., eds., 1985. The Culture-Bound Syndromes. Folk Illnesses of Psychiatric and Anthropological Interest.  Dordretch, Reidel.

Johnson, Thomas M.; Sargent, Carolyn  F., 1990. Medical Anthropology. Contemporary Theory and Method. Nueva York, Praeger.

Kleinman, Arthur, 1988. The Illness Narratives. Suffering, Healing and the Human Condition. Nueva York, Basic Books.

Lanternari, Vittorio; Ciminelli, María L. (comps.) 1998. Medicina, magia, religioni, valori. 2vols. a. Nápoles, Liguori Editori.

Leslie, Charles; Young, Allan (eds.) 1992. Paths to Asian Medical Knowledge. Berkeley, Ca., California University Press. 

Lock, Margaret; Kaufert, Patricia A., 1998. Pragmatic women and body politics. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press.

Marsella, Anthony; White, G., 1984. Cultural Conceptions of Mental Health and Therapy. Dordretch, D. Reidel Publishing Company.

Menéndez, Eduardo L., 1990. Morir de alcohol. Saber y hegemonia medica. México, Alianza Editorial Mexicana.

Menéndez, Eduardo L., 1990. Antropología Médica. Orientaciones, desigualdades y   transacciones. México, CIESAS.

Pandolfi, Mariella (comp.) 1996. Perchè il corpo. Utopia, sofferenza, desiderio. Roma, Meltemi.

Retel-Laurentin, Anne (comp.) 1987. Etiologie et perception de la maladie dans les sociétés modernes  et traditionnelles.. París, L'Harmattan.

Romanucci-Ross, Lola; Moerman, Daniel; Tancredi, Laurence  (comps.) 1983. The Anthropology of Medicine from Culture to Method. Nueva York, Bergin & Garvey Publishers.

Taussig, Michael,  1987. Shamanism, Colonialism and the Wild Man. A study in terror and healing. Chicago, The University of Chicago Press.4.9.

Van Der Geest, S., Rienks, A., 1998. The Art of Medical Anthropology. Readings. Amsterdam: Het Spinhuis.

Zimmermann, Francis, 1989. Le discours des remedes au pays des epices. París, Payot.