Universitat Rovira i Virgili

Display Case 6: Journals (1970-2013)

Antropologi N° 4

Antropología de la Medicina

Bulletin 57 Amade

Actes de la Recherche

Anthropology & Medicine (1993)

AM. Rivista Italiana di Antropologia Médica (1996)


Asclepio (1948)

Bulletin d'Ethnomedecine (1980-87)

Cuadernos de Antropología Social

Culture, medicine and Psychiatry (1977)

Medicina Antropológica

Quadernos N° 22 

Revista de Enfermería

Sante Culture

Transcultural Psychiatric Research Review (1956)


Papers Revista de Sociología N° 5

Psychopathologie Africaine (1965)

Revista Crítica de Ciencias Sociales

Revista Universidad de Guadalajara N° 23

Social Science and Medicine (1967)

Trabajo Social y Salud N° 29, 48, 51 

Transcultural Psychiatry (1996)

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In 1960 there were no specific medical anthropology journals. Asclepio: Archivo Iberoamericano de Historia de la Medicina y Antropología Médica (Spain), founded in 1948 by Pedro Laín, deals with philosophical anthropology and has been essentially a history of science journal. The Transcultural Psychiatric Research Review, founded in 1956, the Journal of Health and Social Behavior in 1958, and Social Science and Medicine in 1967, were essentially sociological or interdisciplinary in nature, and it was not until the 1970s that the first specialized medical anthropology journals were founded: Culture, Medicine and Psychiatry (1977) and Curare (1978). In the 1980s the number of publications began to increase, and we have tried to display all the journals of which we have paper copies. In addition, we have included special issues of a wide range of journals published in different countries. These issues were quite significant between 1980 and 2000 because they were a way of increasing the visibility of groups of medical anthropologists in different countries, not only among their anthropological colleagues but also in relation to the medical profession.

Table of Contents of Display

Ethnicity and Health (1995)


Ethnologie Française

Etnográfica N° 2

Ethnopsychiatrica N° 1.2

Histoire Economie et Societe N° 4

Humanitas N° 2

Journal of Health and Social Behavior (1958)

La Ricerca Folklorica N° 8

L'ethnographie N° 96

Medical Anthropology. Cross Cultural Studies in Health and Illness (1981)

Medical Anthropology Quarterly (1984)

Medische Anthropologie (1989)

Medecine et Croyance

Medicina Antropológica

Quadernos N° 22 

Revista de Enfermería

Sante Culture

Transcultural Psychiatric Research Review (1956)


Papers Revista de Sociología N° 5

Psychopathologie Africaine (1965)

Revista Crítica de Ciencias Sociales

Revista Universidad de Guadalajara N° 23

Social Science and Medicine (1967)

Trabajo Social y Salud N° 29, 48, 51 

Transcultural Psychiatry (1996)